Rocket Pirates project
Rocket Pirates project
Liquidity of Rocket Pirate
Liquidity describes the degree to which an asset can be quickly bought or sold in the market at a price reflecting its intrinsic value. Cash is universally considered the most liquid asset because it can most quickly and easily be converted into other assets. Tangible assets, such as real estate, fine art, and collectibles, are all relatively illiquid. Other financial assets, ranging from equities to partnership units, fall at various places on the liquidity spectrum. It is also important to understand that 2% of any transaction will go to auto liquidity from Rocket Pirate.
NFT Treasure in Rocket Pirate
Rocket Pirate is working on NFT and you can find treasure. Non-fungible tokens are an evolution over the relatively simple concept of cryptocurrencies. Modern finance systems consist of sophisticated trading and loan systems for different asset types, ranging from real estate to lending contracts to artwork. By enabling digital representations of physical assets, NFTs are a step forward in the reinvention of this infrastructure.
Benefits of NFT in Rocket Pirate
Perhaps, the most obvious benefit of NFTs in Rocket Pirate is market efficiency. The conversion of a physical asset into a digital one streamlines processes and removes intermediaries. NFTs representing digital or physical artwork on a blockchain removes the need for agents and allows artists to connect directly with their audiences. They can also improve business processes.
Non-fungible tokens are also excellent for identity management. Consider the case of physical passports that need to be produced at every entry and exit point. By converting individual passports into NFTs, each with its unique identifying characteristics, it is possible to streamline the entry and exit processes for jurisdictions. Expanding this use case, NFTs can be used for identity management within the digital realm as well.
Rocket Pirate is a platform on Ethereum’s blockchain, has already implemented such a concept of NFT. As NFTs become more sophisticated and are integrated within financial infrastructure, it may become possible to implement the same concept of tokenized pieces of land, differing in value and location, in the physical world. It will be suggested for you to invest in the updated Rocket Pirate to make a worthwhile investment.
Total Supply : 7,000,000,000
Circulating Liquidity : 4,500,000,000 (64,28%)
Team : 1,200,000,000 (17,14%)
Airdrops Milestone : 650,000,000 (9,28%)
Marketing : 350,000,000 (5%)
Games: 300,000,000 (4,29%)
Autostaking protocol
At each transaction :
– 2% is re-distributed to all holders
– 2% is automatically added to the liquidity on Pancake Swap
Every transaction is limited to 30M SFCs in order to fight against whales that sell their bags all at once. Every 30M sales , SafeCovid price and whale bag value will decrease.
3 rewards levels for all holders according to hold loyalty time.
– Level 1: new holder
– Level 2: hold 45 days
– Level 3: hold 150 days
Every month our best holders will receive a special airdrop in function of holding period
SafeStore is a mini-game platform. Soon, all developers around the world will have access on it, consequently all SFC holders could play and earn SFCs.
At the beginning the game publication will be pushed manually. In the future, an automatic protocol will allow it on the Safestore.
The first game developed by the team is LuckyDraw, a simple lucky draw (every 8 hours).
Rewards transaction games will be allocated according to this model:
– 70% for players
– 20% for UNICEF
– 5% for the game developer
– 5% for liquidity
NFT Marketplace
A market place will be opened for all NFT creators if at least one creation is linked to the COVID theme. NFTs will be deployed at the first time on the Binance Smart Chain and after on the Elrond Network. Each sale will be allocated according to the model below:
– 70% for the seller
– 20% for UNICEF
– 5% for the creator
– 5% for liquidity
Tokenomics RCKP
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
Rewards: 430,000,000,000
Liquidity: 400,000,000,000
Team: 130,000,000,000
Marketing: 40,000,000,000
Ethereum has a more far-reaching use of blockchain technology. It enables users to develop and run almost any type of code, store it on the ledger, and let it gain authenticity. Rocket Pirate platform allows you to make a smooth investment with Ethereum Blockchain.
For more information
Website :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Binance Chain :
Forum Username: Toby Alderweireld
Forum Profile Link:;u=2853540
BSC Wallet Address: 0x5e509aad0f99d0abc9ae8bcb27a123c8c1017cc6
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